Writer. Director. Producer.

Category: Writing (Page 1 of 4)

Attention. Attention must be paid.

I had cancer. It wasn’t fun, but I’m fine now. I had Hodgkins’ Lymphoma, which is VERY treatable. It’s the cancer you want to get if you have to get cancer. As Larry David said, it’s “the good kind.”

I had “Stage III-B” lymphoma, which means yes, it had spread, and I would require a bit more aggressive treatment – but at no time did any doctor tell me that this was horrible, or that there was any real chance I would die from this. All the doctors I spoke to said that most people survive this. Statistically, there is a 70% survival rate after 5 years for this type of cancer at that stage, so odds were in my favor. All I had to do was endure chemotherapy, and I’d be fine.

Not that chemo is something I would suggest as a weekend activity. It was all the things you hear about, but it worked, and it only lasted six months. To be honest, it was probably harder on Rachel, since she had to WATCH.

What really helped me over those months and in the subsequent years, however, was learning just how horrible it could have been, and just how lucky I was to get the cancer I had. I found myself up close and personal to so many heartbreaking stories of people with NO chance of survival, but whose outlook remained positive, and who – in some cases – actually defied the odds and got better. 

I saw people go through REAL pain in chemotherapy, and I felt guilty that I “only” had Hodgkins. Cancer-lite, I started calling it. (“Whatever helps you through it,” was my oncologist’s response to that one…)

When the pandemic first began, I started saying that if my grandfather can survive the Holocaust by escaping from a concentration camp and hiding in a Polish potato pit for 18 months, then surely we can survive a lockdown in the comfort of our homes with a good internet connection. I had the same attitude with cancer, but instead of my grandfather, my role models were other cancer survivors who were pushing through and living their lives, cancer survivors who refused to let their treatments destroy their souls even as it ravaged their bodies. 

Cancer survivors like Elisabeth Finch – the Grey’s Anatomy writer whose story was immortalized in Vanity Fair, which is what prompted me to write all of this.

As it turns out, I knew Elisabeth Finch in high school, and while I can’t say we were very close friends, we interacted often both in-school and out, occupying our places in the same theatre-and-music-nerd enclave of D-Wing at Cherry Hill High School East. She was more Team Drama, I was more Team Music, but we occasionally joined forces in plays and musicals. My first non-musical acting role ever was in an Elisabeth Finch one-act play called Daddy’s Home, which was just as maudlin of a play as the title suggests but was also – as I recall – surprisingly mature for a 15-or 16-year-old. She was a decent writer, and clearly a deep thinker who felt all the emotions, which was something to be admired in our little world of wannabe-artistic souls. 

So, when she started getting famous as a TV writer, it made sense. I didn’t think for a second that her cancer diagnosis had anything to do with her career success. I thought she just made it because she was very good, and when she started writing for Grey’s I figured it was in part due to her own experiences, but was really because she was a good writer. I was, in fact, glad that something positive came out of cancer. 

We didn’t really keep in touch over the years, but before Facebook was an insidious blight on the world, it was a very efficient way to reconnect with high school friends, and I was honored to be included in the occasional group reminiscence among my lovely and ridiculously talented high-school acquaintances. 

I can’t remember exactly how or when I first heard about her cancer diagnosis and her struggles. It was almost certainly through those Facebook posts, but I do, however, recall the swiftness of the emotional-support machine. She ran in a lovely circle of overly-empathic artists who want nothing more than to create Beautiful Things and ease people’s suffering through their Work, so it makes sense they would spring into action when one of their own was diagnosed with a rare bone cancer. 

So, in March of 2015, when she “relapsed,” I found myself included on a “Team Finch” email chain, which had bracelets for sale and calls for Girl Scout cookie purchases and updates on her progress and everything. I didn’t feel as if I knew her well enough at that point to deserve to be on this list, but I was very grateful. I was glad to receive the updates, and happy to see she was going to pull through.

By 2016, she was out of treatment and living with this condition, but it had destroyed her, and – from what I heard – the way she was handling her daily pain was just miraculous. 

When my diagnosis came in (August 4th, 2016), I had the requisite crumbling meltdown on my wife’s shoulder, but my thoughts immediately went to Beth Finch and her struggle. By that point, she had published several personal essays, and my wife and I devoured them all. Here was someone who had cancer MUCH worse than I did, I thought, who went through absolute hell and came out on the other side with a smile, and OH did I mention that she was also a successful TV writer, a career for which I had yearned over the last 5 years?

Strong, successful, a shining example of resilience and talent: this woman was my fucking hero…and I actually knew her. 

I wanted to reach out, but I hadn’t spoken with her except for Facebook groups in several years. But you know…I had cancer. What’s the worst that could happen? So I wrote to her.

In a bit of irony given what’s happened, I remember being terrified that she might think I was trying to use my cancer diagnosis to get her to read my scripts and then – since they were so brilliant – hire me, so I tried to keep it short.

I simply told her that I had just been diagnosed with cancer too, and I’m grateful that she shared her story because it was really inspiring to me, and I knew that it would help me through my coming treatment.

We struck up an email exchange: I tried to be funny and clever so she would see what a great writer I was…because honestly I was secretly hoping she would offer to read something of mine…and she sent large chunks of advice in that very distinct style of hers in which she capitalized things and put periods between each word to emphasize the fact that I. GOT. THIS.

These emails were sustenance to me through the first months of chemo. Here I was, getting personalized advice from one of the most impressive cancer survivors anyone has ever met, and it was HELPING. I was GALVANIZED. She brought tears to my eyes when she wrote stuff like this, in response to me worrying that I wasn’t handling cancer well:

I believe in people doing whatever the HELL they need to do to get through it — be that anywhere from stoicism to screaming lunatic — and anyone surrounding them that doesn’t understand that?  TOO BAD.  Do what works for YOU.  And if that changes day to day, moment to moment, so be it.  I don’t know anyone who handled things “right”  or “well” — because I literally don’t know what that means.  …..  Cancer brought out myriad feelings and phases, not all of them pretty.  And even though I had a lot of awesome people in my corner, I had moments of loneliness simply because some things you can’t get about cancer unless you have it.  

Inspiring stuff. It rang so true. Especially the last line.

I was so, so grateful…and I felt special. I felt as if I was getting some sort of hallowed, cancer-guru insight that no one else could get. She was so strong, so brave, and I resolved to be the same.

By February, 2017, I was finished chemo, and all was going to be fine. I was cancer free by May, and all I had to deal with were the annoying-but-minor side effects of the treatment, and the never-ending fear that it will come back.

She was so happy for me. Later that year, I went to LA, and she and I met up – the first time I had seen in her over 20 years. We were both elated to reconnect in person, and we bonded instantly with our shared trauma. I remember her not really going into details about her treatment, but I just chalked it up to her not really wanting to spend the time reliving it. 

I couldn’t stop telling her just how easy my treatment was compared to hers – apologizing, almost – and I gushed over how inspiring she was to me. She took it all in, and graciously deflected: “We all have our own Everest,” she said as I compared chemo to climbing a mountain. We decided that “Everest” was now a verb, and we giggled.

Knowing what I know now – that it was all a lie – do I think that she helped me any less? 


I had no idea it was a lie at the time. The net effect was the same. Which is weird, because it’s hurt me now that I’ve discovered it was all fake. I don’t know that I have a right to be hurt, given how many people she’s truly hurt with her lies, but it still hurts. 

It’s as if I had been a pilot going into battle, and before the group set out, our Squad Leader stood on a ladder and gave the most rousing and inspiring address any of us had ever heard. Emboldened by the speech, we went out there and kicked the enemy’s ass…but when I got back to real life, I just happened to watch Independence Day for the first time and discovered that the guy had just stolen Bill Pullman’s speech.

Yeah, it helped…but, I mean…couldn’t you have come up with your own shit to inspire me?

In thinking about the “why” of this, however, I have discovered that I can, in a weird way, understand her a bit. I can understand the addictive power of sympathy from others, which I guess makes me either an empathic soul for sociopaths, or a sociopath myself.

I’m (fairly) confident it’s the former, however. I mean, yes…I did the time, but does that entitle me to a lifetime of never-ending sympathy, in which every time I walk in a room, I get to be the center of everyone’s hero-worship? Of course not. 

But I understand the allure. Life is simple when you’re going through something like that. People treat you more gently, and success has a new meaning. Your goals go from “create brilliant pieces of work, succeed in an impossible career, and make shit-tons of money” to “try to walk across the room without collapsing or throwing up, and bonus points if you can do it with a joke.”

I can’t speak for cancer survivors everywhere, but if I’m totally honest, I sometimes LIKED walking into a room with my bald head and sunken face and surprising everybody by putting on a smile like nothing was wrong. “You’re handling this so well…you’re so brave…I’m so impressed…” The platitudes flew at me, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy it sometimes. It softened the blow of how I was actually feeling, and now that I’m better and everyone has forgotten I even went through it, I’d also be lying if I said I didn’t miss it a little. The attention and adulation that you receive as someone who is actively fighting cancer is intoxicating. 

Intoxicating…but also toxic. It’s right there in the word. It’s toxic especially for certain types of people who want to make a living in the arts – people whose entire self-worth is predicated on others finding them interesting. For them, that type of attention is addictive, because it means you’re FINALLY special. We can feel loved, and needed, and paid-attention-to. Instead of needing a hit, or a drink, we need that feeling – because sympathy means attention, and attention means “you really like me!” Which is all we really want.

It’s not always a completely conscious thing, either. I remember being at dinner with new-ish friends recently, and laughingly saying “yeah, that was like when I was in chemo” in response to whatever had just been said. You could almost literally hear the record-scratch, and I just had to tell the story, of course. So what would have otherwise been a normal conversation between a group of couples became my monologue followed by a Q&A. Once again, I was the center of attention. 

Did I do that on purpose? I like to think not, but perhaps.

I have this weapon, after all. This rare weapon of a sympathetic story, which also happens to be true. Cancer is many people’s greatest fear, and I’ve found that people almost enjoy being around people who’ve been through something they don’t want to go through. They feel bad for the person, of course, but there’s also a certain relief that comes with being able to point and say, “at least I didn’t have to go through THAT.” Those are the two sides of the coin of empathy: the sadness we feel that someone else has to feel pain, and the comforting fact that we didn’t.

This is why social media has taken off…or, rather, brought us all down. It leans into that base tendency we have for attention. We need to be special, and when our real lives aren’t special enough, some of us need to fib to make it so. For many, these fibs are harmless. They only serve to make people think we’re more important, or more brave, or more interesting than we actually are, but they don’t really hurt anybody except (eventually) the liar.

Occasionally, however, those lies can lead to real pain…as seems to be the case with Elisabeth Finch. In her search for attention and the need to be more special than everyone else, she really, REALLY hurt people: her wife, her Grey’s Anatomy colleagues, her team of supporters, the amazing artist who crafted the “STATE” bracelets, all the friends from her life who were rooting for her to push through…all of these people were completely bamboozled, and they are now left with nothing but emptiness in that place in their heart where their love and empathy for Finchie used to be. I feel terribly sad for them.

For me, however, I find myself struggling with the confusing reality that I was inspired by a horrible lie, but that lie also happened to help me through some of the toughest moments of my life. It’s a minor struggle, but confusing nonetheless.

Cancer, however, is still with me, at least on an emotional level. Just last month we were convinced it was back, even though it wasn’t and will likely never be, given the statistics for my particular cancer. I’m lucky in that sense, because there are many who DO recur, and who DO still struggle with it years after treatment, and I’m back to living a pretty normal life. 

I just have to deal with the completely irrational fear that every twinge in my lower back is a cancerous lymph node, and much of my time is spent talking myself off the ledge…

But that should be enough to get a job in a writer’s room, no?

Job Interview

In an empty office, Joli sits, leg-tapping, anxiety in his eyes. 

The door opens, and as always happens with Managerions, his front arms enter the room first, followed shortly by his head, which wears a large, welcoming smile on its bottom mouth.

Joli rises, eager to please, and extends his single arm for a handshake. The Managerion grabs it with one of his back arms, which has finally entered the room after his torso.

“Please, please, no need to stand. I’m not the bloody queen, am I?” The Managorian chuckled at its own joke. “I’m Bob, and I’m excited to conduct your interview today.”

Joli sits back down. “Very nice to meet you, Bob.”

“Right. Let’s get to it, then.” Bob arranges his body into the cavernous Managerion seat and places his appendages into the slots. His HUD appears, showing a photo of Joni and a resume.

“There we are. You are Joli Writs, correct?” 

Joli nods. Bob scans the resume. Joli watches, trying to stop his leg.  He waits. Bob continues to scan. Joli continues to wait. 

Bob grunts a “huh” in reaction to something on the resume. Joli’s eyebrows raise, expectant…but no further explanation is forthcoming. Bob continues to scan.

Bob finally turns his eyes up to Joli. “So what can you tell me about yourself, Mr. Writs.” Though it was phrased as a question, the inflection didn’t match. It was more like a prompt.

Joli takes his cue, tries not to swallow, and launches into his prepared spiel. “Well, Bob, I’m a go-getter, you know? I’m driven to succeed, and I don’t think there’s anywhere I’d rather do it than here, at Corporate Corp. I’m just so impressed with this team and the opportunity to work here and help you do what this company does would be just a dream come true.”

Bob does not accept Joli’s break in cadence as an opportunity to respond. His fifteen eyes continue to bore into Joli, and Joli tries not to react.

“This position is exactly what I’m looking for at this stage of my career, and I feel like my skillset is a perfect match for the needs of a company like Corporate Corp.”

“And what skillset would that be, Mr. Writs?”

Joli hesitates. Beads of sweat instantly form on the back of his neck. He squirms, not sure what to say. “My skillset? It’s, uh…it’s hard to, you know…just say it. It’s pretty varied…like,…it’s hard to , uh…compartmentalize, you know…?

Bob’s face scrunches. “I’ve got to be honest, Mr. Writs. I’m looking at your resume here and your work experience is…confusing. There’s just doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to these positions… video production? The United Nations? Computer repair? You currently work at a framing shop, and you went to school for acting? I just…I need your help to really understand what it is you actually, uh…do?”

Joli’s leg starts tapping again. This time, he can’t control the swallowing as he speaks, his voice meek and apologetic. “Well, Bob…I…uh. I’m a, uh…”

Bob leans in. “Yes…?”

Joli freezes, then – deciding – he goes for it. 

“My degree is in writing, Bob.”

To Anyone Who Wants to Get Ahead

Dear People,

I’m just a little older than you, though not much. I’ll be turning 153 years old next week – and that century-plus can be very important. Just like you, I moved to New York in my 20’s, looking to make my mark, but I was also set on pursuing my dreams of avoiding the roving bands of murderers who wandered my Eastern European country looking for people to kill.

I was lucky enough to have a distant cousin living here – I wrote to him asking for help, and three months later he replied, offering me 20 hours a week as a pickle-delivery-man AND a mattress in the corner of the home/office he shared with forty-seven other people in a 5-floor-walkup in the Tenth Ward. My parents were long dead – one from cholera, the other from the pogrom the week before – but I understood my white privilege was the only thing allowing me to leave. Others in my village weren’t so lucky.

Continue reading

I Was Told There’d Be Joy

The children were quiet. Too quiet…

I walked out of our bedroom to peek into Nathan’s room, expecting to see them both dead on the floor from some sort of karate move gone wrong, but – instead – I see this picture:

Isaac, 6 years old and learning to read, sitting on the floor with Nathan, 20 months, on his lap. Isaac holds Goodnight Moon – aka “Moo Book” – and is intensely trying to sound out the words to Nathan, who stares at the page, enamored and riveted. He points to the bunnies and the different things in the room and looks back at Isaac with his trademarked, “hennghh??” And Isaac says, “yes, Natey that’s right!” because that’s exactly what Rachel and I say whenever Nathan says “henggnh,” as if “henggnh” is the most profound observation of the universe a human has ever expressed. Which, of course, it is.

I took a moment to endure the cuteness-overload that flooded my brain, and then went to Rachel and made her look at what was going on.

She looked in and tears welled – joyful tears, tears that come out only when you see these moments that seem to make everything worth all the screaming and crying and mess and sleepless nights. Then she grabbed her belly: “Oh my god, my ovaries.” She wants another kid, and somehow – in those moments – I do too.

HERE is the the joy I was promised, I thought. Such delight. Such love between the two humans we created, the two babies for whom we have sacrificed and slaved for all these years, and for whom we will continue to do so until we die, even if it is this very sacrifice that will be cause of our deaths. Here is the wonder and happiness and pure, unencumbered joy that comes with being a parent.

But then Isaac saw us watching, and he got up and wouldn’t put his socks on. Nathan – livid that his 352nd journey through the Great Green Room had been left unfinished – started screaming something a lot less cute than “henggnh” at his older brother, who was now ignoring him.

We had to leave, so I asked Isaac once again to put on his socks, although the actual reaction was probably more along the lines of: “PUT YOUR SOCKS ON NOW OR I’M TAKING AWAY YOUR POKEMON CARDS!” to which he responded by bursting into tears and running into his room, which led to another Rachel EyeRollÔ and a very concerned look from Nathan, who suddenly smelled very bad.

As all parents know, these moments of pure happiness followed too quickly by abject rage are pretty much a daily occurrence. It’s stressful, and the extent to which you are able to cope with that stress is the number one indicator of your happiness as a parent.

Several times a day, I ask my older son what he wants to eat. Without fail, he replies that he doesn’t know, so I list some options, ranging from scrapple to duck l’orange, each of which is met by an emphatic “No.” I then give up and insist he decides, and the reply comes: “I just want something that I want that’s good.”

What the hell does that even mean, you incoherent spawn??

At this point, I have three options:

  • Decide for him, then when he starts screaming that this isn’t what he wants, calmly explain that he wasn’t being clear so I was forced to make the decision, and offer to have a fruitful discussion about communication.
  • Tell him I will be ignoring him until he decides, then refuse to engage even when he start shattering glass with his screams and end up an hour later with a still-screaming child who’s even hungrier and no closer to deciding what he wants.
  • Scream at him to just tell me what the fuck he wants, for the love of motherfucking GOD, then run upstairs and angry-cry into my pillow.

Though my responses have always shifted between A and B (yes, this conversation happens several times a week), I admit that there are more and more days lately in which C is my choice, albeit without actual F-bombs.

Clearly my children are the reason I had cancer and heart disease.

I’m kidding, of course, but when you find the baby drawing on the furniture even though you were sure you put the markers out of reach, this is an easy trap in which to fall: It’s all their fault. If only I had chosen to not have children. If only I had chosen to stay single and un-tethered to anyone or anything other than my own happiness and ambitions. There’s no way I would have gotten cancer and heart disease had I chosen another path, one paved with fewer diapers and less stress.


Reasons to Move to Cherry Hill

“Where are you from?”

We’ve all been asked this question. But there is only a small subset of humanity that is able to answer – truthfully – “Exit 4 off the New Jersey Turnpike”

It’s a special person that can reference a dilapidated six-lane superhighway-off-ramp in the heart of Southern New Jersey in their origin story. And you can join this exclusive club by moving to Cherry Hill™, NJ.  Continue reading

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